Ladislas Nalborczyk
Research scientist (CRCN)
LPL, CNRS UMR 7309 (Aix-en-Provence)
Research interests
Mental production of speech (inner speech)
I am a computational cognitive neuroscientist interested in the conscious experience of inner speech and its neural underpinnings. My research combines experimental (e.g., psychophysics, EMG, M/EEG, TMS) and computational (e.g., mathematical modelling, machine learning) methods to understand how complex patterns of neural activity implement algorithms supporting the mental simulation of speech (inner speech) and other actions (motor imagery).
Statistical modelling and slow science
In parallel, I also work on the development and dissemination of rigorous experimental and statistical methods. Besides, I feel very concerned about the issue of making our research more open, reproducible, and sustainable.
Working together
If you are a scientist who wants to collaborate with me, a PhD student or a postdoctoral researcher interested in my research, please reach out to me! Please also check out the open positions in my team, which includes a list of thesis topics for Master students.