'data.frame': 544 obs. of 4 variables:
$ height: num 152 140 137 157 145 ...
$ weight: num 47.8 36.5 31.9 53 41.3 ...
$ age : num 63 63 65 41 51 35 32 27 19 54 ...
$ male : int 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ...
A course with R, Stan, and brms
Course n°01: Introduction to Bayesian inference, Beta-Binomial model
Course n°02: Introduction to brms, linear regression
Course n°03: Markov Chain Monte Carlo, generalised linear model
Course n°04: Multilevel models, cognitive models
\[ \begin{align} y_{i} &\sim \mathrm{Normal}(\mu_{i}, \sigma) \\ \mu_{i}&= \alpha + \beta x_{i} \\ \alpha &\sim \mathrm{Normal}(60, 10) \\ \beta &\sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, 10) \\ \sigma &\sim \mathrm{HalfCauchy}(0, 1) \end{align} \]
Aim of this session: to understand this type of model.
The components of our models will always be the same and we will always follow the following three steps:
'data.frame': 544 obs. of 4 variables:
$ height: num 152 140 137 157 145 ...
$ weight: num 47.8 36.5 31.9 53 41.3 ...
$ age : num 63 63 65 41 51 35 32 27 19 54 ...
$ male : int 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ...
\[h_{i} \sim \mathrm{Normal}(\mu, \sigma)\]
\[ p(x \given \mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^{2}}} \exp \bigg[-\frac{1}{2 \sigma^{2}} (\mu - x)^{2} \bigg] \]
Some constraints: Some values are highly probable (around the mean \(\mu\)). The further away they are, the less likely they are (following an exponential decay).
\[ y = \exp \big[-x^{2} \big] \]
We extend our function to negative values.
\[ y = \exp \big[-x^{2} \big] \]
The inflection points give us a good indication of where most of the values lie (i.e., between the inflection points). The peaks of the derivative show us the inflection points.
\[ y = \exp \bigg [- \frac{1}{2} x^{2} \bigg] \]
Next, we standardise the distribution so that the two inflection points are located at \(x = -1\) and \(x = 1\).
\[ y = \exp \bigg [- \frac{1}{2 \color{steelblue}{\sigma^{2}}} x^{2} \bigg] \]
We then add a parameter \(\sigma^{2}\) to control the distance between the inflection points.
\[ y = \exp \bigg [- \frac{1}{2 \color{steelblue}{\sigma^{2}}} (\color{orangered}{\mu} - x)^{2} \bigg] \]
We then insert a parameter \(\mu\) to control the position (central tendency) of the distribution.
\[ y = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \color{steelblue}{\sigma^{2}}}} \exp \bigg[-\frac{1}{2 \color{steelblue}{\sigma^{2}}} (\color{orangered}{\mu} - x)^{2} \bigg] \]
But… this distribution does not integrate to 1. We therefore divide by a normalisation constant (the left-hand side), to obtain a proper (valid) probability distribution.
We are going to build a regression model, but before we add a predictor, let’s try to model the distribution of heights.
We want to know which model (distribution) best describes the distribution of heights. We will therefore explore all the possible combinations of \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) and rank them by their respective probabilities.
Our aim, once again, is to describe the posterior distribution, which will therefore be in some way a distribution of distributions.
We define \(p(\mu, \sigma)\), the joint prior distribution of all model parameters. These priors can be specified independently for each parameter, given that \(p(\mu, \sigma) = p(\mu) p(\sigma)\).
\[\color{steelblue}{\mu \sim \mathrm{Normal}(174, 20)}\]
We define \(p(\mu, \sigma)\), the joint prior distribution of all model parameters. These priors can be specified independently for each parameter, given that \(p(\mu, \sigma) = p(\mu) p(\sigma)\).
\[\color{steelblue}{\sigma \sim \mathrm{Uniform}(0, 50)}\]
sample_mu <- rnorm(1e4, 174, 20) # prior on mu
sample_sigma <- runif(1e4, 0, 50) # prior on sigma
prior <- data.frame(cbind(sample_mu, sample_sigma) ) # multivariate prior
H.scv <- Hscv(x = prior, verbose = TRUE)
fhat_prior <- kde(x = prior, H = H.scv, compute.cont = TRUE)
fhat_prior, display = "persp", col = "steelblue", border = NA,
xlab = "\nmu", ylab = "\nsigma", zlab = "\n\np(mu, sigma)",
shade = 0.8, phi = 30, ticktype = "detailed",
cex.lab = 1.2, family = "Helvetica")
[1] 162.8648
We want to compute the probability of observing a certain value of height knowing certain values of \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\), that is:
\[ p(x \given \mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^{2}}} \exp \bigg[-\frac{1}{2 \sigma^{2}} (\mu - x)^{2} \bigg] \]
\[ p(x \given \mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^{2}}} \exp \bigg[-\frac{1}{2 \sigma^{2}} (\mu - x)^{2} \bigg] \]
Or using a custom function…
\[ \color{purple}{p(\mu, \sigma \given h)} = \frac{\prod_{i} \color{orangered}{\mathrm{Normal}(h_{i} \given \mu, \sigma)}\color{steelblue}{\mathrm{Normal}(\mu \given 174, 20)\mathrm{Uniform}(\sigma \given 0, 50)}} {\color{green}{\int \int \prod_{i} \mathrm{Normal}(h_{i} \given \mu, \sigma)\mathrm{Normal}(\mu \given 174, 20)\mathrm{Uniform}(\sigma \given 0, 50) \mathrm{d} \mu \mathrm{d} \sigma}} \]
\[ \color{purple}{p(\mu, \sigma \given h)} \propto \prod_{i} \color{orangered}{\mathrm{Normal}(h_{i} \given \mu, \sigma)}\color{steelblue}{\mathrm{Normal}(\mu \given 174, 20)\mathrm{Uniform}(\sigma \given 0, 50)} \]
This is the same formula from the previous course, but here considering that there are several observations of height (\(h_{i}\)) and two parameters to be estimated: \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\).
To compute the marginal likelihood (in green), we therefore need to integrate over two parameters: \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\). Here again we realise that the posterior is proportional to the product of the likelihood and the prior.
# we define a grid of possible values for mu and sigma
mu.list <- seq(from = 140, to = 160, length.out = 200)
sigma.list <- seq(from = 4, to = 9, length.out = 200)
# we extend this grid to all possible combinations of mu and sigma
post <- expand.grid(mu = mu.list, sigma = sigma.list)
# we compute the log-likelihood for each observation (under each combination of mu and sigma)
post$LL <-
function(i) sum(dnorm(
mean = post$mu[i],
sd = post$sigma[i],
log = TRUE) )
# we compute the (unnormalised) posterior distribution
post$prod <-
post$LL +
dnorm(x = post$mu, mean = 174, sd = 20, log = TRUE) +
dunif(x = post$sigma, min = 0, max = 50, log = TRUE)
# we "cancel" the log and we standardise by the maximum value (to avoid rounding errors)
post$prob <- exp(post$prod - max(post$prod) )
# randomly selecting 20 rows from the resulting dataframe
post %>% slice_sample(n = 20, replace = FALSE)
mu sigma LL prod prob
1 155.1759 4.251256 -1418.233 -1426.502 4.612132e-87
2 143.2161 6.211055 -1829.978 -1838.989 3.334659e-266
3 156.6834 6.462312 -1250.548 -1258.749 3.297048e-14
4 155.8794 6.537688 -1237.281 -1245.518 1.837911e-08
5 141.0050 8.221106 -1701.767 -1710.955 1.342455e-210
6 159.0955 8.246231 -1273.181 -1281.286 5.378841e-24
7 142.6131 4.728643 -2471.268 -2480.326 0.000000e+00
8 146.3317 5.507538 -1667.237 -1676.021 1.993230e-195
9 160.0000 6.788945 -1337.375 -1345.446 7.347547e-52
10 143.4171 7.517588 -1608.947 -1617.943 3.329394e-170
11 140.6030 6.437186 -2064.584 -2073.805 0.000000e+00
12 151.6583 5.005025 -1370.982 -1379.432 1.276988e-66
13 156.2814 6.814070 -1236.277 -1244.496 5.108761e-08
14 153.7688 8.849246 -1226.826 -1235.164 5.767419e-04
15 144.1206 7.015075 -1615.495 -1624.437 5.033474e-173
16 143.7186 8.572864 -1506.316 -1515.289 1.271644e-125
17 154.8744 7.517588 -1219.926 -1228.210 6.039964e-01
18 146.3317 8.824121 -1379.469 -1388.252 1.886826e-70
19 140.0000 7.844221 -1828.939 -1838.211 7.264600e-266
20 159.8995 5.180905 -1478.782 -1486.857 2.832570e-113
Under the hood: Stan
is a probabilistic programming language written in C++
, which implements several MCMC algorithms: HMC, NUTS, L-BFGS…
data {
int<lower=0> J; // number of schools
real y[J]; // estimated treatment effects
real<lower=0> sigma[J]; // s.e. of effect estimates
parameters {
real mu;
real<lower=0> tau;
real eta[J];
transformed parameters {
real theta[J];
for (j in 1:J)
theta[j] = mu + tau * eta[j];
model {
target += normal_lpdf(eta | 0, 1);
target += normal_lpdf(y | theta, sigma);
The brms
package (Bürkner, 2017) can be used to fit multilevel (or single-level) linear (or not) Bayesian regression models in Stan
but using the intuitive syntax of lme4
(cf. our tutorial paper, Nalborczyk et al., 2019).
For instance, the following model:
\[ \begin{align} y_{i} &\sim \mathrm{Normal}(\mu_{i}, \sigma) \\ \mu_{i} &= \alpha + \alpha_{\text{subject}[i]} + \alpha_{\text{item}[i]} + \beta x_{i} \\ \end{align} \]
The brms
package uses the same syntax as the base R
functions (such as lm
) or functions from the lme4
The left-hand side represents our dependent variable (or outcome, that is, what we are trying to predict). The brms
package can also be used to fit multivariate models (several outcomes) by combining them with with mvbind()
If you want to fit a model without an intercept (because why not), you must specify it explicitly, as shown below.
By default brms
assumes a Gaussian likelihood function. This assumption can be modified easily by specifying the desired likelihood via the the family
In case of doubt, read the documentation (it’s very exciting to read) available at ?brm
# retrieving the Stan code generated by brms
make_stancode(formula, ...)
# checking and/or defining priors
get_prior(formula, ...)
set_prior(prior, ...)
# retrieving predictions from a brms model
fitted(fit, ...)
predict(fit, ...)
conditional_effects(fit, ...)
# posterior predictive checking
pp_check(fit, ...)
# model comparison and hypothesis testing
loo(fit1, fit2, ...)
bayes_factor(fit1, fit2, ...)
model_weights(fit1, fit2, ...)
hypothesis(fit, hypothesis, ...)
Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5
b_Intercept 154.614878 0.4224360 153.787631 155.452195
sigma 7.763965 0.2936431 7.217446 8.354354
These data represent the marginal (posterior) distributions of each parameter. In other words, the posterior probability \(\mu\), averaged over all possible values of \(\sigma\), is best described by a Gaussian distribution with a mean of \(154.6\) and a standard deviation of \(0.42\). The credibility interval (\(\neq\) confidence interval) indicates the 95% most plausible values of \(\mu\) or \(\sigma\) (given the data and priors).
By default brms
uses a very uninformative prior centred on the mean value of the measured variable. We can therefore refine the estimate using our knowledge of the usual distribution of heights in humans.
The get_prior()
function is used to display a list of default priors as well as all the priors we can specify, given a certain model formula (i.e., a way of writing our model) and a set of data.
Family: gaussian
Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
Formula: height ~ 1
Data: d2 (Number of observations: 352)
Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
total post-warmup draws = 4000
Population-Level Effects:
Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept 154.60 0.41 153.80 155.42 1.00 3433 2656
Family Specific Parameters:
Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma 7.76 0.30 7.23 8.39 1.00 3032 2499
Draws were sampled using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).
Family: gaussian
Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
Formula: height ~ 1
Data: d2 (Number of observations: 352)
Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
total post-warmup draws = 4000
Population-Level Effects:
Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept 173.84 0.10 173.65 174.03 1.00 3108 2389
Family Specific Parameters:
Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma 20.81 0.79 19.33 22.48 1.00 2908 2312
Draws were sampled using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).
We note that the estimated value for \(\mu\) has hardly “moved” from the prior…but we can also see that the estimated value for \(\sigma\) has greatly increased. What happened? We told the model that we were fairly certain of our \(\mu\) value, the model then “adapted”, which explains the large value of \(\sigma\)…
Prior distributions can generally be considered as posterior distributions obtained from previous data.
We know that the \(\sigma\) of a Gaussian posterior is given by:
\[\sigma_{\text{post}} = 1\ /\ \sqrt{n}\]
Which implies a quantity of data \(n = 1\ /\sigma^2_{\text{post}}\). Our prior had a \(\sigma = 0.1\), which implies \(n = 1\ /\ 0.1^2 = 100\).
We can therefore consider that the prior \(\mathrm{Normal}(174, 0.1)\) is equivalent to the case in which we would have observed \(100\) heights with mean \(174\).
# A draws_df: 6 iterations, 1 chains, and 5 variables
b_Intercept sigma lprior lp__ density
1 154 8.2 -9.1 -1229 0.082
2 155 7.4 -9.0 -1229 0.150
3 155 7.2 -9.0 -1229 0.139
4 154 8.0 -9.1 -1227 0.582
5 155 8.3 -9.1 -1228 0.263
6 155 7.6 -9.0 -1228 0.215
# ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}
How does height change with weight?
\[ \begin{align} h_{i} &\sim \mathrm{Normal}(\mu_{i}, \sigma) \\ \mu_{i} &= \alpha + \beta x_{i} \\ \end{align} \]
mean sd 2.5% 97.5%
(Intercept) 113.8793936 1.91106523 110.1337746 117.6250126
weight 0.9050291 0.04204752 0.8226175 0.9874407
Let’s consider a linear regression model with a single predictor, a slope, an intercept, and residuals distributed according to a normal distribution. The notation:
\[ h_{i} = \alpha + \beta x_{i} + \epsilon_{i} \quad \text{with} \quad \epsilon_{i} \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, \sigma) \]
is equivalent to:
\[ h_{i} - (\alpha + \beta x_{i}) \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, \sigma) \]
rearranging the expression:
\[ h_{i} \sim \mathrm{Normal}(\alpha + \beta x_{i}, \sigma). \]
The above notations are equivalent, but the last one is more flexible, and will allow us to extend it more intuitively to multilevel models.
\[ \begin{aligned} \color{orangered}{h_{i}} \ &\color{orangered}{\sim \mathrm{Normal}(\mu_{i},\sigma)} \\ \color{black}{\mu_{i}} \ &\color{black}{= \alpha + \beta x_{i}} \\ \color{steelblue}{\alpha} \ &\color{steelblue}{\sim \mathrm{Normal}(174, 20)} \\ \color{steelblue}{\beta} \ &\color{steelblue}{\sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, 10)} \\ \color{steelblue}{\sigma} \ &\color{steelblue}{\sim \mathrm{Exponential}(0.01)} \\ \end{aligned} \]
In this model, \(\mu\) is no longer a parameter to be estimated (because \(\mu\) is determined by \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)). Instead, we will estimate \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\).
Reminders: \(\alpha\) is the intercept, that is, the expected height, when the weight is equal to \(0\). \(\beta\) is the slope, that is, the expected change in height when weight increases by one unit.
Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5
b_Intercept 113.9022663 1.89453254 110.2751443 117.5863999
b_weight 0.9045325 0.04172372 0.8226575 0.9834808
sigma 5.1023966 0.19607421 4.7309481 5.4967173
lprior -12.2671372 0.01272490 -12.2925817 -12.2432602
lp__ -1083.1151428 1.14546650 -1086.1172584 -1081.7573733
\(\alpha = 113.90, 95\% \ \text{CrI} \ [110.28, 117.59]\) represents the expected height when weight equals 0kg…
\(\beta = 0.90, 95\% \ \text{CrI} \ [0.82, 0.98]\) indicates that for an increase of 1kg, we can expect an increase of 0.90cm.
Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5
Intercept 154.5892334 0.26511032 154.0580097 155.1021441
weight.c 0.9048262 0.04247021 0.8194467 0.9874537
If the predictor (weight) is centred, the intercept represents the expected value of height (in cm) when weight is at its mean value.
# defining a grid of possible values for "weight"
weight.seq <- data.frame(weight = seq(from = 25, to = 70, by = 1) )
# retrieving the model's predicted mus (average height) for these values of "weight"
mu <- data.frame(fitted(mod4, newdata = weight.seq) ) %>% bind_cols(weight.seq)
# displaying the first 10 rows of mu
head(mu, 10)
Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5 weight
1 136.5156 0.8729446 134.8388 138.2282 25
2 137.4201 0.8331902 135.8118 139.0699 26
3 138.3246 0.7936381 136.7802 139.8924 27
4 139.2292 0.7543200 137.7739 140.7197 28
5 140.1337 0.7152745 138.7559 141.5451 29
6 141.0382 0.6765488 139.7387 142.3767 30
7 141.9428 0.6382011 140.7096 143.1942 31
8 142.8473 0.6003039 141.6932 144.0216 32
9 143.7518 0.5629482 142.6682 144.8488 33
10 144.6564 0.5262493 143.6445 145.6845 34
As a reminder, our model is defined as: \(h_{i} \sim \mathrm{Normal}(\alpha + \beta x_{i}, \sigma)\). For the moment, we have only represented the predictions for \(\mu\). How can we incorporate \(\sigma\) into our predictions?
# defining a grid of possible values for "weight"
weight.seq <- data.frame(weight = seq(from = 25, to = 70, by = 1) )
# retrieving the model's predicted heights for these values of "weight"
pred_height <- data.frame(predict(mod4, newdata = weight.seq) ) %>% bind_cols(weight.seq)
# displaying the first 10 rows of pred_height
head(pred_height, 10)
Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5 weight
1 136.6003 5.241255 126.6961 146.9625 25
2 137.5269 5.123556 127.5401 147.6144 26
3 138.2405 5.176174 128.1914 148.3255 27
4 139.3099 5.243116 129.3009 149.4473 28
5 140.0189 5.168394 129.7397 150.1358 29
6 140.8688 5.218597 130.8407 151.0752 30
7 142.0739 5.152610 132.1567 152.0562 31
8 142.7756 5.218983 132.5639 153.1091 32
9 143.7965 5.244761 133.4364 154.0000 33
10 144.6657 5.198395 134.3009 154.5210 34
d2 %>%
ggplot(aes(x = weight, y = height) ) +
geom_point(colour = "white", fill = "black", pch = 21, size = 3, alpha = 0.8) +
data = pred_height, aes(x = weight, ymin = Q2.5, ymax = Q97.5),
alpha = 0.2, inherit.aes = FALSE
) +
data = mu, aes(y = Estimate, ymin = Q2.5, ymax = Q97.5),
stat = "identity", color = "black", alpha = 0.8, size = 1
The brms
package also includes the posterior_epred()
, posterior_linpred()
, and posterior_predict()
functions, which can be used to generate predictions from models fitted with brms
. Andrew Heiss gives a detailed description of how these functions work in this blog post.
Two sources of uncertainty in the model: uncertainty concerning the estimation of the value of the parameters but also uncertainty concerning the sampling process.
Epistemic uncertainty: The posterior distribution orders all possible combinations of parameter values according to their relative plausibility.
Aleatory uncertainty: The distribution of simulated data is a distribution that contains uncertainty related to a sampling process (i.e., generating data from a Gaussian distribution).
See also this short article by O’Hagan (2004).
d <- d %>% mutate(weight.s = (weight - mean(weight) ) / sd(weight) )
d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = weight.s, y = height) ) +
geom_point(colour = "white", fill = "black", pch = 21, size = 3, alpha = 0.8)
[1] -2.712698e-18 1.000000e+00
Why standardising predictors?
Interpretation. Easier to compare the coefficients of several predictors. A change of one standard deviation in the predictor corresponds to to a change of one standard deviation in the response (if the response is also standardised).
Fitting. When the predictors contain large values (or values that are too different from one another), this can lead to convergence problems (cf. Course n°03).
\[ \begin{aligned} \color{orangered}{h_{i}} \ &\color{orangered}{\sim \mathrm{Normal}(\mu_{i}, \sigma)} \\ \color{black}{\mu_{i}} \ &\color{black}{= \alpha + \beta_{1} x_{i} + \beta_{2} x_{i}^{2}} \\ \color{steelblue}{\alpha} \ &\color{steelblue}{\sim \mathrm{Normal}(156, 100)} \\ \color{steelblue}{\beta_{1}, \beta_{2}} \ &\color{steelblue}{\sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, 10)} \\ \color{steelblue}{\sigma} \ &\color{steelblue}{\sim \mathrm{Exponential}(0.01)} \\ \end{aligned} \]
It’s up to you to build and fit this model using brms::brm()
Family: gaussian
Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
Formula: height ~ 1 + weight.s + I(weight.s^2)
Data: d (Number of observations: 544)
Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
total post-warmup draws = 4000
Population-Level Effects:
Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept 146.65 0.37 145.95 147.39 1.00 3438 2694
weight.s 21.40 0.29 20.84 21.99 1.00 3198 2387
Iweight.sE2 -8.41 0.28 -8.96 -7.85 1.00 3117 2845
Family Specific Parameters:
Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma 5.78 0.17 5.46 6.15 1.00 3352 3090
Draws were sampled using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).
# defining a grid of possible (standardised) values for "weight"
weight.seq <- data.frame(weight.s = seq(from = -2.5, to = 2.5, length.out = 50) )
# retrieving the model's predictions for these values of weight
mu <- data.frame(fitted(mod6, newdata = weight.seq) ) %>% bind_cols(weight.seq)
pred_height <- data.frame(predict(mod6, newdata = weight.seq) ) %>% bind_cols(weight.seq)
# displaying the first ten rows of pred_height
head(pred_height, 10)
Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5 weight.s
1 40.60063 6.010429 28.97013 52.51992 -2.500000
2 47.10254 5.955673 35.32591 58.77250 -2.397959
3 53.19186 6.006070 41.31088 65.14786 -2.295918
4 59.29052 5.760499 47.61468 70.36520 -2.193878
5 65.32630 5.963502 53.34686 76.94875 -2.091837
6 70.76771 5.769429 59.88322 82.18180 -1.989796
7 76.26657 5.815825 64.92816 87.47296 -1.887755
8 81.64095 5.787103 70.60726 92.95473 -1.785714
9 86.67635 5.665041 75.79001 97.45832 -1.683673
10 91.71143 5.880964 80.16754 103.33322 -1.581633
d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = weight.s, y = height) ) +
geom_point(colour = "white", fill = "black", pch = 21, size = 3, alpha = 0.8) +
data = pred_height, aes(x = weight.s, ymin = Q2.5, ymax = Q97.5),
alpha = 0.2, inherit.aes = FALSE
) +
data = mu, aes(y = Estimate, ymin = Q2.5, ymax = Q97.5),
stat = "identity", color = "black", alpha = 0.8, size = 1
There are several methods for computing effect sizes in Bayesian models. Gelman & Pardoe (2006) propose a method for computing a sample-based \(R^{2}\).
Marsman & Wagenmakers (2017) and Marsman et al. (2019) generalise existing methods to compute a \(\rho^{2}\) for ANOVA designs (i.e., with categorical predictors), which represents an estimate of the effect size in the population.
Similar to most of the ES measures that have been proposed for the ANOVA model, the squared multiple correlation coefficient \(\rho^{2}\) […] is a so-called proportional reduction in error measure (PRE). In general, a PRE measure expresses the proportion of the variance in an outcome \(y\) that is attributed to the independent variables \(x\) (Marsman et al., 2019).
\[ \begin{aligned} \rho^{2} &= \dfrac{\sum_{i = 1}^{n} \pi_{i}(\beta_{i} - \beta)^{2}}{\sigma^{2} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} \pi_{i}(\beta_{i} - \beta)^{2}} \\ \rho^{2} &= \dfrac{ \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \beta_{i}^{2}}{\sigma^{2} + \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^{n} \beta_{i}^{2}} \\ \rho^{2} &= \dfrac{\beta^{2} \tau^{2}}{\sigma^{2} + \beta^{2} \tau^{2}}\\ \end{aligned} \]
Caution: if there are several predictors, it depends on the covariance structure…
A new model with two and then three parameters was presented: a Gaussian model, then a Gaussian linear regression model, used to relate two continuous variables.
As previously, Bayes’ theorem is used to update our prior knowledge of parameter values into posterior knowledge, a synthesis between our priors and the information contained in the data.
The brms
package can be used to fit all sorts of models with a syntax similar to that used by lm()
The fitted()
function is used to retrieve the predictions of a model.
The predict()
function is used to simulate data from a model fitted with brms
Select all rows in the howell
dataset corresponding to minors individuals (age < 18). This should result in a dataframe of 192 rows.
Fit a linear regression model using the brms::brm()
function. Report and interpret the estimates from this model. For an increase of 10 units in weight
, what increase in height (height
) does the model predict?
Plot the raw data with weight on the x-axis and height on the y-axis. Overlay the model’s regression line of the model and an 89% credibility interval for the mean. Add an 89% credibility interval for the predicted sizes.
What do you think of the ‘fit’ of the model? What assumptions of the model would you be willing to modify in order to improve the model’s fit?
Let’s say you’ve consulted a colleague who’s an expert in allometry (i.e., the phenomena of differential organ growth) and she explains to you that it doesn’t make sense to model the relationship between weight and height… because we know that it’s the logarithm of weight which is (linearly) related to height!
Model the relationship between height (cm) and log weight (log-kg). Use the entire howell
dataframe (all 544 rows). Fit the following model using brms::brm()
\[ \begin{align*} &\color{orangered}{h_{i} \sim \mathrm{Normal}(\mu_{i}, \sigma)} \\ &\mu_{i}= \alpha + \beta \cdot \log (w_{i}) \\ &\color{steelblue}{\alpha \sim \mathrm{Normal}(174, 100)} \\ &\color{steelblue}{\beta \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, 100)} \\ &\color{steelblue}{\sigma \sim \mathrm{Exponential}(0.01)} \\ \end{align*} \]
Where \(h_{i}\) is the height of individual \(i\) and \(w_{i}\) the weight of individual \(i\). The function for calculating the log in R
is simply log()
. Can you interpret the results? Hint: plot the raw data and superimpose the model’s predictions…
# we keep only the individuals younger than 18
d <- open_data(howell) %>% filter(age < 18)
priors <- c(
prior(normal(150, 100), class = Intercept),
prior(normal(0, 10), class = b),
prior(exponential(0.01), class = sigma)
mod7 <- brm(
height ~ 1 + weight,
prior = priors,
family = gaussian(),
data = d
Family: gaussian
Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
Formula: height ~ 1 + weight
Data: d (Number of observations: 192)
Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
total post-warmup draws = 4000
Population-Level Effects:
Estimate Est.Error l-89% CI u-89% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept 58.22 1.40 56.00 60.47 1.00 3853 3011
weight 2.72 0.07 2.61 2.83 1.00 3445 2962
Family Specific Parameters:
Estimate Est.Error l-89% CI u-89% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma 8.53 0.45 7.84 9.27 1.00 4283 2872
Draws were sampled using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).
# defining a grid of possible values for "weight"
weight.seq <- data.frame(weight = seq(from = 5, to = 45, length.out = 1e2) )
# retrieving the model's predictions for these values fo "weight"
mu <- data.frame(
fitted(mod7, newdata = weight.seq, probs = c(0.055, 0.945) )
) %>%
pred_height <- data.frame(
predict(mod7, newdata = weight.seq, probs = c(0.055, 0.945) )
) %>%
# displaying the first 6 rows of pred_height
Estimate Est.Error Q5.5 Q94.5 weight
1 71.90158 8.558478 58.38327 85.76683 5.000000
2 72.80918 8.809837 58.64175 86.74542 5.404040
3 74.07137 8.558394 60.51732 87.58434 5.808081
4 75.08137 8.717473 61.08438 89.05932 6.212121
5 75.95542 8.633522 62.39603 89.61429 6.616162
6 77.39934 8.498564 63.69033 91.05000 7.020202
d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = weight, y = height) ) +
geom_point(colour = "white", fill = "black", pch = 21, size = 3, alpha = 0.8) +
data = pred_height, aes(x = weight, ymin = Q5.5, ymax = Q94.5),
alpha = 0.2, inherit.aes = FALSE
) +
data = mu, aes(y = Estimate, ymin = Q5.5, ymax = Q94.5),
stat = "identity", color = "black", alpha = 0.8, size = 1
Family: gaussian
Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
Formula: height ~ 1 + log(weight)
Data: d (Number of observations: 544)
Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
total post-warmup draws = 4000
Population-Level Effects:
Estimate Est.Error l-89% CI u-89% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept -23.56 1.34 -25.67 -21.42 1.00 4356 3128
logweight 47.01 0.38 46.39 47.63 1.00 4396 2952
Family Specific Parameters:
Estimate Est.Error l-89% CI u-89% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma 5.15 0.15 4.91 5.41 1.00 4641 2770
Draws were sampled using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).
# defining a grid of possible values for "weight"
weight.seq <- data.frame(weight = seq(from = 5, to = 65, length.out = 1e2) )
# retrieving the model's predictions for these values of "weight"
mu <- data.frame(
fitted(mod8, newdata = weight.seq, probs = c(0.055, 0.945) )
) %>%
pred_height <- data.frame(
predict(mod8, newdata = weight.seq, probs = c(0.055, 0.945) )
) %>%
# displaying the first 6 rows of "pred_height"
Estimate Est.Error Q5.5 Q94.5 weight
1 52.08114 5.364763 43.64659 60.73506 5.000000
2 57.47366 5.180466 49.20607 65.72344 5.606061
3 62.29115 5.289523 53.91334 70.72491 6.212121
4 66.70296 5.104535 58.45216 74.90719 6.818182
5 70.49918 5.249748 62.17113 78.91841 7.424242
6 74.31789 5.177680 66.23217 82.75413 8.030303
d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = weight, y = height) ) +
geom_point(colour = "white", fill = "black", pch = 21, size = 3, alpha = 0.8) +
data = pred_height, aes(x = weight, ymin = Q5.5, ymax = Q94.5),
alpha = 0.2, inherit.aes = FALSE
) +
data = mu, aes(y = Estimate, ymin = Q5.5, ymax = Q94.5),
stat = "identity", color = "black", alpha = 0.8, size = 1
Ladislas Nalborczyk - IBSM2023